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  • New upgrade notification of 36 column circular gas health cabin
    發(fā)布時間:2018-02-11 閱讀次數(shù):8916次
    As a result of the new upgrade of 36 columns of circular gas health cabin, the supply price of agents at all levels is up 50 yuan, and the current national unified retail price is 6980. This is hereby notified.
    Upgrade content:
    1, the lining is upgraded to improve the heat preservation effect, waterproof, and anti odor.
    2, the circle above the cabin transformation cover, removable zipper, convenient installation and cleaning and dry inside the cabin.
    3, double deck cover internal add circular bracket, which is convenient for fixing the cabin.
    晋中市| 元朗区| 凤翔县| 仙居县| 南皮县| 五河县| 郑州市| 永川市| 青川县| 新丰县| 察隅县| 黑水县| 澜沧| 龙江县| 平阳县| 廊坊市| 高陵县| 赤城县| 伊金霍洛旗| 台北县| 宝兴县| 阿拉善盟| 大荔县| 赞皇县| 高密市| 虞城县| 来凤县| 荃湾区| 临高县| 潼关县| 上饶市| 江都市| 阿拉尔市| 江津市| 花莲市| 邳州市| 建德市| 镇安县| 左贡县| 洛扎县| 于都县|